A complete and safe self defense training…

Healthy mind in a healthy body oriented
Shaolin Kempo Karate (SKK) is a martial art that has travelled for centuries. Originated from China, SKK evolved with different names through time and people. Assembling technics from Mongolia and India, it travelled through Japan and came in North America by the islands of Okinawa.
A complet training for people that likes to inlude learning with chalenges.

Learning and blending the 4 ways of defense is the goal of SKK. These 4 ways are, striking and bloking with the upper body, striking and blocking with the lower body, grappling and of balancing (including throws). All of this is now taught and practiced in a structured curriculum. The bases of Karate and kempo will be a start in your training for then growing into more interesting concepts of kung fu and more.

Coordination, strength, balance, endurance, speed, flexibility, focus and controlled channelling of your emotions are just a part of all the benefits growing with this training. The only limit will be your will and open mind.