SKK scholars

Personal development, the best gift!

Shaolin kempo karate shcolars. Kick in shield exercise

Self control, self discipline, focus, real respect, dexterity, self defense, channelling emotions…

These are just some of the characteristics that this class will help to increase through learning and training in this martial art, that as been evolving and adapting from many centuries.

Shaolin Kempo Karate scholars, sparring exercise and teaching

For children 8 to 14 years. This program focuses on martial arts life skills training in positioning, blocks, kicks and punches, combinations sequences and grappling. We also focus on the development of coordination, strength, balance, endurance, speed and flexibility of the student.

Blocking in motion different than ready. Shaolin kempo karate.

The young person learns several defense techniques for various situations they might face for there age. They learns to recognize and respond well to different levels of aggression, light or severe. Self-control and safety is always the priority in our courses.